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Making Dental Implants Affordable with a Grant for Dental Implants

Struggling to pay for a dental implant? You're not alone. Dental care, especially implants, can be expensive for most Americans. That's where Smile Fund USA steps in! We are a newly established 501 (c)(3) public charity dedicated to making dental implants more affordable through our innovative grant program.


Grant Recipients


Minimum Grant Amount per Recipient


of Donations Turn Into Grants


Smile at a Time

About Dental Implants

We believe dental implants should be the standard of care instead of dentures. They last a lifetime and restore the quality of life like natural teeth. 


Eligibility Criteria

As a brand-new non-profit charity, we are forced to keep strict guidelines for grant applicants. For starters, we have to limit our grant recipient pool to California for now. Learn more about the eligibility criteria. 


Get Involved 

Your contribution can directly impact someone's life by giving them the gift of a new smile. Act now to make a difference.

For Dentists

Join us in making a tangible difference while boosting your dental practice’s growth and community presence. Partner with us today and experience the rewards of giving back.

Who We Are

Meet the dedicated team behind Smile Fund USA and MedAid Financial, LLC, who are committed to transforming lives through improved oral health. Learn about our  passion for making a positive impact in the community.

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